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Cutting-edge awesome Pebble apps!

SETPEBBLE.COM was originally created as a solution for storing Pebble app settings.

It has evolved to be a provider of cool Pebble apps, all of which can be customized for settings such as temperature units, screen background, or different languages.

As of March, 2019, it is time to wind down. SetPebble has always been a hobby, and I have never terminated a subscription since hosting and commercial weather expenses were covered by new subscriptions. All premium features for SetPebble are now free for all although not all weather services continue to work.

Thank you for supporting SetPebble over the years, and I will try to keep this website up. I have since switched to Fitbit smart watch development, and here is my Fitbit smart watch website:



Big WeatherBlue MarbleCamoodleCool WeatherDaily StepsDiurnalEscape the RoomFair WeatherFocusForesailGPS TrackerHR EasyHR StopwatchHR VitalsMaptasticNight SkyPocket GliderWebcams