Pocket Glider


Instructional Videos

To lean more about registering an account, accessing the custom settings, and learning the features about SetPebble apps, click the VIDEOS tab at the bottom of the page.

Weather Data Integrity

Some users have issues with the validity of the current weather conditions and/or forecasts. The weather apps use OpenWeatherMap.org for the weather data, which is an ambitious free weather service. If the reported weather on your Pebble weather app appears incorrect, first check the OpenWeatherMap.org website to ascertain whether the inaccuracy is from the watch or the original weather data.


Activating Premium Features

For premium subscribers, please be sure your serial number is entered correctly when selecting the Settings button in your Pebble app. Here is an instructional video.

Legacy Firmware 1.14.1

Click for Firmware 1.14.1 Support.

Patience Please

If you cannot find a solution on this page or other online resources (such as forums.pebble.com), you can contact us with your support request.

Support priority is given to SETPEBBLE.COM subscribers, and your patience is appreciated.