Pal Locator   Previous App   Next App

Pal LocatorPal Locator
The Pal Locator app helps you find or return to specific locations. It works with the Pal Strap or your smart phone GPS.

You can drop markers at your current location or enter a specific location using the custom Settings. The direction and distance for each marker is displayed in the app. Use the top button to switch between markers.

You choose your refresh rate, or use the bottom button to manually refresh your GPS. Hold down the bottom button with a long press to activate the map.

Use the middle button to display the menu to control your Pal Strap, set or clear markers, or change the custom settings.

You can set labels for your custom marker through the settings page on your Pebble smart phone app. Up to seven custom markers are supported.

If you have the compass activated but it is not working, move your Pebble watch in a figure-eight gesture a few times. You can also have your orientation based on your direction of travel according to your GPS.

If you have trouble getting this app to work with the Pal Strap, first get the Pal Strap working using the manufacturer's Pebble and smart phone apps.

Pal Locator 

Latest Version: 0.3

Version History:

0.1 created May 14, 2017
0.2 added Pal Strap support
0.3 fixed math mistake with GPS conversion